(eleventy) How to generate rel="amphtml" formats for src *.md file

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I am trying to find a solution for generating an AMP version for particular pages in my 11ty (Eleventy) website.

Take for example the following content ...

+- /src
    +- /recipes
        +- super-stroodle.md

Ideally I would like to see the following generated ...

+- /_site
    +- /recipes
        +- super-stroodle
            +- index.html
            +- amp.html <-- Same content but different layout

In the index.html file I would see the following in the header ...

    <link rel="canonical" href="https://example.com/recipes/super-stroodle">
    <link rel="amphtml" href="https://example.com/recipes/super-stroodle/amp">

I'm not tied to this outcome, but I do need some way to apply alternate layouts to select source content.

Any ideas how to achieve this with 11ty?


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