Elementor is not starting

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I have installed Elementor for protractor e2e testing. as descibed here. But whenever I start it like this, I get following results.

E:\Work\test>elementor https://angularjs.org
Creating protractor configuration file
Starting protractor
Running command: [node C:\Users\Vikash777\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\elementor\node_modules\protractor\built\cli.js --elementExplorer true --debuggerServerPort 6969 C:\Users\VIKASH~1\AppData\Local\Temp\protractor-conf117814-7776-q2aq5m.jdozu84cxr]



There I have started Selenium server in separate windows

enter image description here

It does not start Elementor..


There are 4 answers

Annu On

This could be an issue if you have the port number 6969 on your machine already in use. Can you give it a try by using some other port number or releasing the port 6969 of its current running process(if any)

sdet.ro On

you forgot to separately start the selenium webserver.

Mishra Lallan On

Please run this command in cmd. When i have used it last 3 month ago i block the port no 90 and then try it on CMD.

E:\Work\test>elementor https://angularjs.org
Creating protractor configuration file
Starting protractor
Running command: [node C:\Users\Vikash777\AppData\ [lunchtime predictions for today][1]\Roaming\npm\node_modules\elementor\node_modules\protractor\built\cli.js --elementExplorer true --debuggerServerPort 6969 C:\Users\VIKASH~1\AppData\Local\Temp\protractor-conf117814-7776-q2aq5m.jdozu84cxr]

A.Emon On
# DO system reboot 
# Start selenium webserver 
# Check Posts not being used. 

I would do it if it was mine.