Elastic Job sp_add_jobstep returns "Cannot reference the credential because it does not exist or you do not have permission"

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I'm pretty new to Azure (and SQL for that matter). I've been trying to configure Elastic Jobs Agent with a few specific jobs that would run queries against some of my databases on the server.

For right now I am targeting a test database where I want to execute a simple select query. However, I can't create the job step because of the "can't reference the credential" error.

I'm not sure why the error is popping up. I have followed Use T-SQL to create and manage Elastic Database Jobs article and I created all of the credentials and logins as described there.

The one exception here is that the masterkey already exists so I didn't create that and I also did not create a separate server for my agent host DB as suggested in some of the tutorials. My agent host DB sits on the same server where my target databases are but I would not think that would be an issue.

I have successfully created a target group and a target group member which is the specific database on this server that I want to query. I have also created the job I want to use.

The problem happens when I try to run this

DECLARE @step_id1 INT, @job_version1 INT;

EXEC jobs.sp_add_jobstep 
@job_name = N'Job1',                    
@step_id = @step_id1 OUTPUT,             
@step_name = N'Step1',                    
@command = N'select * from table',        
@credential_name = N'agentjobuser',       
@target_group_name = N'TestTarget' 

I am at a loss here, I have no idea why it's saying that the credential doesn't exist. I am using the sql server admin login so I should definitely have the permissions for it.


There are 1 answers


I tried to repro this and got the same error.

  • When SQL server username is given as credential name parameter in the sp_add_jobstep, the same error is reproduced.

Cannot reference the credential 'user', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.

enter image description here

  • Database scoped credential name which is created for SQL server user is given as value for the parameter @credential_name. It is executed successfully without error.

enter image description here