I have some questions in elastalert which are really making me stuck. Your help is really needed as I am in the middle of an issue. My questions are below :
- Is there any way we can filter on the basis of log level or severity?
- Is there any way for each entry in elastic search I should be able to send an email ( as I'll be having a grok filter in logstash to push only error logs).
I have tried by following one by one, but nothing worked.
- term:
# essage: "*INFO*"
# query: "info"
# host.name: "*IPADDRESS.us-east-2.compute.internal*"
None of the above is working.
Your question is kinda broad, so, I can only give some pointers but you probably want to run something like this:
Inspired by https://github.com/Yelp/elastalert/blob/master/example_rules/example_frequency.yaml