Eight Queens Puzzle in CLIPS

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I'm trying to develop an solver for the eight queens problem (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight_queens_puzzle) in CLIPS, but I'm a newbie in this language. First of all, I was trying to make a rule to verify a new assertion comparing column/line of previous assertions. Its working when is inserted a duplicated line, however when inserted a duplicated column, it doesn't detect it. What's wrong with this code?

(defrule verificaAssercaoDamas ; verifica se atende as regras
   ?novaPosicao <- (d ?line ?column) 
   ?posicao <- (d ?line2 ?column2)
   (test (neq ?posicao ?novaPosicao))
   (test (or (eq ?line2 ?line) (eq ?column column2))  )
   (retract ?novaPosicao)
   (if (< (+ ?column 1) 9)
       then (assert (d ?line (+ ?column 1) ))
CLIPS> (assert(d 0 0))
CLIPS> (assert(d 1 0))
CLIPS> (assert(d 0 1))
CLIPS> (agenda)
0       cerificaAssercaoDamas: f-3, f-1
0       cerificaAssercaoDamas: f-1, f-3
For a total of 2 activations.

There are 1 answers

Gary Riley On

You're using the expression (eq ?column column2) which is comparing the variable ?column to the symbol column2. You need to compare it to the variable ?column2.

CLIPS> (clear)
(defrule verificaAssercaoDamas 
   ?novaPosicao <- (d ?line ?column) 
   ?posicao <- (d ?line2 ?column2)
   (test (neq ?posicao ?novaPosicao))
   (test (or (eq ?line2 ?line) (eq ?column ?column2)))
   (retract ?novaPosicao)
   (if (< (+ ?column 1) 9)
       then (assert (d ?line (+ ?column 1)))))
CLIPS> (assert (d 0 0))
CLIPS> (assert (d 1 0))
CLIPS> (assert (d 0 1))
CLIPS> (agenda)
0      verificaAssercaoDamas: f-3,f-1
0      verificaAssercaoDamas: f-1,f-3
0      verificaAssercaoDamas: f-2,f-1
0      verificaAssercaoDamas: f-1,f-2
For a total of 4 activations.

If you're testing equality/inequality of numbers, you should use the = and != (or <>) functions as these will throw errors for non-numeric arguments:

CLIPS> (clear)
(defrule verificaAssercaoDamas 
   ?novaPosicao <- (d ?line ?column) 
   ?posicao <- (d ?line2 ?column2)
   (test (neq ?posicao ?novaPosicao))
   (test (or (= ?line2 ?line) (= ?column column2)))
   (retract ?novaPosicao)
   (if (< (+ ?column 1) 9)
       then (assert (d ?line (+ ?column 1)))))
[ARGACCES5] Function = expected argument #2 to be of type integer or float

(defrule MAIN::verificaAssercaoDamas
   ?novaPosicao <- (d ?line ?column)
   ?posicao <- (d ?line2 ?column2)
   (test (neq ?posicao ?novaPosicao))
   (test (or (= ?line2 ?line) (= ?column column2)

You can also remove the duplicate activations by checking that the fact index of ?novaPosicao is greater than the one for ?posicao:

CLIPS> (clear)
(defrule verificaAssercaoDamas 
   ?novaPosicao <- (d ?line ?column) 
   ?posicao <- (d ?line2 ?column2)
   (test (< (fact-index ?posicao) (fact-index ?novaPosicao)))
   (test (or (= ?line2 ?line) (= ?column ?column2)))
   (retract ?novaPosicao)
   (if (< (+ ?column 1) 9)
       then (assert (d ?line (+ ?column 1)))))
CLIPS> (assert (d 0 0))
CLIPS> (assert (d 1 0))
CLIPS> (assert (d 0 1))
CLIPS> (agenda)
0      verificaAssercaoDamas: f-3,f-1
0      verificaAssercaoDamas: f-2,f-1
For a total of 2 activations.