I have written a code to create eigenfaces. I have taken 3 images of different people as input. I have calculated the eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Since only 3 images are taken, I select all the three eigenvectors, each of size 36000x1, as the principal components. When I reshape the eigenvectors to see the image, I get eigenface for only one person. The other images are almost completely blank.
I am extracting each eigenvector from covevec(matrix of eigenvectors of covariance matrix)
I reshape them as follows:
if (!col1.isContinuous() && !col2.isContinuous() && !col3.isContinuous())
Mat final1,final2,final3;
This how final2 looks like:
And the other two look like this:
What am I doing wrong?
Your code looks fine, so what is wrong?
DataDataData, it's so crucial when performing computer vision tasks like this. To give yourself an advantage use a readily avaliable dataset with corresponding test data - This would work
Also, as berak says normalising the images will help. In Turk & Pentland (Which if you haven't read you should) they state:
This will mean that all your training data will be of the same vein and give your algorithm much better chance of success