Ehcache - Replicated Caching using RMI

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I tried using the ehcache and it worked. And I am just trying to implement distributed caching with ehcache RMI. I followed the steps provided in the url:!NTAxODEzNDE0OmNvcnByYWRpdXNzc286vsRypkVtSPb7t3MnL22gFQ==#

But I could not find the distributed caching working...

rmiUrls=//<remotemachineip>:<i want to know what port id should be given here>/deviceCache1"/>

properties="hostName=<localmachineip>,port=<i want to know what port id should be given here>,

I gave some port number and I am having the standalone java code in two machines. First, I run the main program in my friend's machine which puts data to "deviceCache1" and I try to access that cache in my main program. But I don't find any connection happening between two machines.

I may sound silly, but I need to know few things regarding caching. Please some one clarify my doubts and help me. So, My questions are: 1. What port ids need to be given in ehcache.xml in both machines? 2. Do i need to have some windows service enabled to use rmi ports? 3. Do i need to add any other code for connection between 2 machines?

Please help me asap. Thanks


There are 2 answers

Amit On

Due to comments size limitation & this will answer your question

Config on server 1 will be like this

<cacheManagerPeerListenerFactory class="net.sf.ehcache.distribution.RMICacheManagerPeerListenerFactory"
    properties="hostName=localhost, port=40001,socketTimeoutMillis=2000"/>

Config on server2 will be like this

<cacheManagerPeerListenerFactory class="net.sf.ehcache.distribution.RMICacheManagerPeerListenerFactory"
    properties="hostName=localhost, port=40002,socketTimeoutMillis=2000"/>

If you are still facing the issue, paste your ehcache.xml. Kindly accept the answer if it answers your question.

Amit On

You would also need to add cacheEventListenerFactory to the cache(which needs to be replicated)

memoryStoreEvictionPolicy="LFU" diskPersistent="true"
timeToLiveSeconds="86400" maxElementsOnDisk="1000">

You can give any port(which is not being used by system