I am very new to Django with limited Python experience. I am trying to edit a Form and a Formset. I can edit and save the Form, however I can't get the edits in the Formset to save. Here is my code from Views:
def edit_asr(request, asr_id):
context = RequestContext(request)
if not is_editor(request):
return HttpResponse("You are not authorized to view this record")
if request.method == 'POST':
asr_record = ASR.objects.get(id=asr_id)
form = BuildASRForm(request.POST, instance=asr_record)
formset = ASRTripLegFormset(request.POST, instance=asr_record)
if form.is_valid():
logger.info("ASR %s was edited by %s" % (asr_id, request.user))
return HttpResponseRedirect('/asr/%s/' % asr_id)
logger.error("Edit ASR form returned the following errors for user %s: %s" % (request.user, form.errors))
asr_record = ASR.objects.get(id=asr_id)
form = BuildASRForm(instance=asr_record)
formset = ASRTripLegFormset(instance=asr_record)
return render_to_response('asr/edit_asr.html', {'form': form, 'formset': formset, 'asr_id':asr_id}, context)
I've tried if formset.is_valid():
calls indented under the if form-is_valid():
statement and it throws the MultiValueDictKeyError
error. Sorry if this is a novice question, I'm stuck.