Eclipse RCP Jython - NoClassDefFoundError

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I'm developing an eclipse RCP application. I have a Jar with some classes I want to use in Jython. On startup I'm adding the Jython console with initial commands that add the jar by sending the command sys.path.append(some .jar file path).

I can use the classes in the Jar and their functions execute. But one function I use there eventually throws a NoClassDefError. The class its looking for is in the Jar (I build that jar using Ant and the class is really inside another Jar but its included in the build).

I can invoke import problematic_class from some_package and then use the class, but when I call the function that eventually tries to use the class (in code) I get the exception.

What can be the problem?


The classes I get the exceptions for are: org/apache/commons/lang3/StringUtils and org/openxmlformats/schemas/spreadsheetml/x2006/main/impl/CTTableColumnsImpl$1TableColumnList.

The jars that include those classes are included in the build process of the Jar I give to sys.path.append...

I can do (without any exceptions):

from org.apache.commons.lang3 import StringUtils

StringUtils.strip("Smth", "S")



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