Eclipse Infinitest not running at all

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I've tried to get the Infinitest Plugin for Eclipse to automatically run my tests. According to the documentation, it hooks into all @Test annotated tests and runs the test class, as soon as the system under test class is changed.

The plugin was installed via the eclipse update site provided at the github page. I do have the status bar as expected, but it simply stays yellow saying "No related tests found for last change".

So far I've tried several project types down to a simple java project - I can manually run all tests via Run As -> JUnit Test and JUnit works as expected. Infinitest is enabled in the preferences. Several tutorials, the (extremely short) documentation and pages have not helped. I don't have a filter file present.

I am running Eclipse Mars (4.5.1) on Ubuntu 15.10 with Infinitest 5.1.115 and JUnit 4.12.0.


There are 4 answers

alexandrum On

I installed Infinitest Plugin on Eclipse Luna 4.4.2 (my current IDE) and I followed the instruction from there. I made a class with a method and I annotated with @Test (JUnit4 Library), then I made a text file named infinitest.filters that contain ".*"(regular expression). It is important that this text file to be on src folder (path: SomeProjectName/src).

philippe.duval On

I've just ran into the same problem, and resolved it by activating:

Project -> Build Automatically.

Steve On

Infinitest doesn't work if the file path to the *.class and/or *.java file contains space character(s) - perhaps that's the problem.

Aleksandar Pavlovic On

I have Java EE Eclipse Mars 4.5.2 with Infintest. Only when I put infinitest.filters file in the project folder my arquillian integration tests are skipped.

Folder project structure:

  • src/
    • /main
    • /test
  • pom.xml
  • infintest.filters

infinitest.filters example ( skipping all tests from package ):

  • com\.company\.app\.integrationtest\..*