Eclipse: Complete Build State Clean/Reset

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Is there a good way to reset Eclipse build state completely?

I am stuck getting 'Building all...' on each build (manual, BTW), even though it seems to finish normally, and it has been working just fine for weeks, and I've had this issue before, but it would resolve itself on one or more rebuilds; all of which leads me to believe that there is something internal that gets stuck in a wrong state.

Clean Project does not seem to do it. And the full rebuild 'says' it does a clean anyway, 'cleaning output folder'.

Clean + Close Project + Restart Eclipse does not seem to do it either (which fact I find rather unsatisfying and weird).

I suppose a re-import could do it.

Perhaps re-import under a different name?

But maybe there's something easier than re-import. Perhaps deleting some file or folder in Eclipse persisted state?

(Maybe tag this 'internals'? I am asking for specific solutions, but I am certainly interested in the IDE internals too, whether that will help solve this issue or not.)


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