Eclipse CDT to compile ASF makefile projects

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I'm attempting to set up Eclipse CDT as my development tool for ASF (ATMEL/MICROCHIP SAM0 micros) on debian stretch, but I'm running into a bunch of headaches.

Having Eclipse Oxygen, arm-none-eabi-gcc 5.4.1 and the Eclipse GCC ARM plugging properly installed I proceeded as follows:

First of all I downloaded xdk-asf-3.34.2 and extracted the package on /home/user/Downloads. Inside the package there are some application examples, I'm using a SAMD20 Xplained-Pro board so I went to sam0/applications/led_toggle where there is a source code "led_toggle.c". There are also other meaninful files, asf.h, and Makefile in sam0/applications/led_toggle/samd20_xplained_pro/gcc. I copied those files to an other directory inside Eclipse workspace. Making some modifications to the paths on and Makefile and creating a new project on eclipse with File>New>C Project>Makefile Project>Empty Project>Cross ARM GCC, the project finally compiled and the .elf file was ready.

Anyway Eclipse was highlighting syntax errors. Adding a lot of paths (the same paths as those on the INC_PATH of the file) to the Eclipse project (properties>C/C++ General>Paths and Symbols) and adding some defines to led_toggle.c (#define BOARD SAMD20_XPLAINED_PRO and #define __SAMD20J18__) solved error highlighting but autocomplete is not working yet. Also format and colors are weird, here a screenshot.

enter image description here

For example, here the macro expansion for LED_0_PIN works, but font isn't blue as it is with PORT_PIN_DIR_OUTPUT. But is autocomplete functionality which really annoys me, because with a big API to be used, autocomplete is a must have tool.

Should I give up and use Atmel Studio and ... Windows?


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