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echarts4r e_line color by categorical variable

Asked by At

I want to make this kind of graph (here from Our World In data ) but where the line colour varies by categorical variable. Since the calculated threshold is seasonal, I would need to use a categorical variable (see the Alert variable). Based on Stephan's answer, I made this script, and it's true that the document about the e_visual_map is quite scare.

Our world in data

    x <- seq(
  from = 1,
  to = 100,
  b = 1
y <- sin(x)

df <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)

df1<- df %>% 
  mutate(rM = rollmean(
    na.pad = TRUE,
    align = "center"
  )) %>% mutate(
    Threshold = round(rM, 2)
  )  %>% mutate (Alert = y > Threshold) %>%mutate(
    Alert = case_when(
      Alert == "FALSE" ~ 0,
      TRUE ~ 1

df1 |>
  e_charts(x) |>
  e_line(y) |>
    type = "continuous",
    inRange = list(color = c("#f6efa6","#bf444c")),
    bottom = 300 # padding to avoid visual maps overlap

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