EBean4 join with Non-PK field support in PlayFramework

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I am using PlayFramework 2.4 to connect to DB by EBean 4. I face a problem which is I would like to join 2 table with non primary key as follow and using referencedColumnName to map ColA with ColB.

Table_1                   Table_2
----------                ----------
Id_T1(PK)                 Id_T2(PK)
...                       ...

private List<Table_2> table2s;

@JoinColumn(name="ColA", referencedColumnName="ColB")  
private Table_1 table1;

But it return the following error:

Error injecting constructor, javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Error with the Join on [models.Table_1.table2s]. Could not find the matching foreign key for [itemUID] in table[Table_2]? Perhaps using a @JoinColumn with the name/referencedColumnName attributes swapped?

I find that EBean4 doc did not talk about the referencedColumnName JPA notation https://ebean-orm.github.io/docs#relationships

And in EBean2, it seems it report it as a bug and marked fixed already http://www.avaje.org/bugdetail-263.html

So I would like to ask is my code has problem? Or EBean did not support join by the Non-PK at all?



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