I'm on symfony 5 and easy admin 3. I have the controller ProductCrudController with the following field:
CollectionField::new('productImages', 'Product Images')
->setFormTypeOption('by_reference', false)
->setFormTypeOption('allow_add', true)
->setFormTypeOption('prototype', true)
I'd like to display a preview of the selected images before submitting my form. How can I do this? Please
Ive tried this:
CollectionField::new('productImages', 'Images du produit')
->setFormTypeOption('by_reference', false)
->setFormTypeOption('allow_add', true)
->setFormTypeOption('prototype', true)
->setCustomOption('allow_file_upload', true)
->setCustomOption('show_preview', true)
->setCustomOption('preview_uri', 'getPreviewImage')
But it is not OK