E_ACCESSDENIED Error with Video File open with IMFSourceReader or IMFSourceResolver

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I am trying to open video files using IMFSourceReader->MFCreateSourceReaderFromURL() or IMFSourceResolver->CreateObjectFromURL(). But both of them are returning E_ACCESSDENIED General Access denied error.

I am in windows 8.1 desktop and the video is in Pictures Library folder. I have the Capability for Pictures Library checked in Package.appxmanifest page. But still I am getting access denied error.

any idea how I can get rid of this problem?

Edit: I am passing the video URL with this format L"C:/Users/user.name/Pictures/video.mp4" If I run the code in console application there is no error using this code here. If I run the same code in WinRT it does not work. CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); returns cannot change thread mode after it is set and source reader says access denied. Is the access denied error has something to do with threading?


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