I've created some simple application service interfaces that follow naming conventions and implement IApplicationService.
public interface IProductAppService : IApplicationService
Task<ProductDto> Get(EntityDto<int> input);
Task<PagedResultDto<ProductDto>> GetAllProducts(GetAllProductsInput input);
Task<IList<ProductDto>> GetAllProducts();
Task CreateProduct(CreateUpdateProductInput input);
Task DeleteProduct(ProductDto input);
Task UpdateProduct(CreateUpdateProductInput input);
The implemented service classes are OK and working within MVC Controllers. Unfortunately, I cannot use the auto-generated proxyscripts sending POST requests to abp.services.app.[serviceName].[serviceMethod] since chrome shows up the "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)" for GetALL. It seems like the script isnt generated.
I've checked script tags in masterlayout (didnt changed since template download), tried renaming methods, excluding service interfaces from proxy generation via [RemoteService(false)] one by one, read the logs in both App_data and AbpAuditLogs, but no luck.
ASP.NET MVC 5.x APB 2.3.0 MPA incl. Module Zero.
Thanks in advance!
As far as i see everything looks OK. 404 means couldn't run GetAll method successfully. the only thing i see from the logs is missing translation records. let's start from easy step; add all the missing translations to Sportsstore xml file for your language and inform us.