I see Dynamic linq in below link: ScottGu
I want to use this method to select a dynamic query like this:
I have a complex select and this way not solve my problem, this is my select:
Select sUserName,sname, sFamily,sMobail,sid,sNumberSt,sActive,sPic,sDate from Student where {0} order by sid desc";
which {0} is a complex Condition:
sname like %somthing% and susername=N'something' and sid in (select sidfk from tablex where userteacher=N'name1')
and this condition is passed to method. I must say that: I don's know my condition,my condition specified with user search params.this condition that I say,Is only one example of what I want to do.
How can I do this?
Only way that solve my problem:
I send tow parameters instead of one,one for student and one for tablex:
wiche textSearch is :
with dynamic linq
any better way is exist?