This is a follow-up question of this R Shiny: Vtree plot not rendering with Shiny
With this code I can manage to get reactive behaviour for the levels (level1 - level4) and also for the input$values
But how can I get to disable for example level2 (or any other).
Or how can I manage to select input$values
all or only 4 and 6?
With my code so far all levels appear and only one value could be selected!
Here is a reproducible code:
# Define UI ----
ui <- pageWithSidebar(
# App title ----
headerPanel("Cyl vtree"),
# Sidebar panel for inputs ----
selectizeInput("level1", label = "Level1", choices = NULL, selected = NULL),
selectizeInput("level2", label = "Level2", choices = NULL),
selectizeInput("level3", label = "Level3", choices = NULL),
selectizeInput("level4", label = "Level4", choices = NULL),
selectizeInput("values", label= "Values", choices = NULL),
# Main panel for displaying outputs ----
# Define server logic to plot ----
server <- function(input, output,session) {
df <- reactiveVal(mtcars)
vector <- c("cyl","vs", "am","gear")
# select only the party columns 1-4; 5 is the county column
updateSelectizeInput(session, "level1", choices = colnames(df()[vector]), selected = NULL)
updateSelectizeInput(session, "level2", selected = NULL, choices = colnames(df()[vector]))
updateSelectizeInput(session, "level3", choices = colnames(df()[vector]))
updateSelectizeInput(session, "level4", choices = colnames(df()[vector]))
# Get counties without duplicates
updateSelectizeInput(session, "values", choices = unique(df()$cyl))
output[["VTREE"]] <- renderVtree({
vtree(df(), c(input$level1, input$level2, input$level3, input$level4),
sameline = TRUE,
shinyApp(ui, server)
As requested.