Dynamic attributes nesting within composite components

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I am struggling with nesting dynamic JSF attributes within composite components.

Let us imagine following structure on client side:

class BackingBean{
    Animal animal;

class Animal {
    Type type;

class Type{
    String name;

On the view side I can reach to the nested fields using . character:


In that case, everything works like a charm. Problem emerges when I want to rewerite it into composite component and represent nested fields as a separate attributes:

    <cc:attribute name="mainAttribute"/>
    <cc:attribute name="nestedAttribute"/>
    <cc:attribute name="valuesProviderService"/>

    <f:selectItems value="#{cc.attrs.valuesProviderService.findAnimals}" 
    var="animal" itemValue="#{animal}" itemLabel="#{$HERE_IS_NESTING$}" />

I tried a variety of approaches, but I guess my current knowledge is not enough to solve it.

I tried to use nesting with [ character like:


also tried with c:set

<c:set var="main" value="#{cc.attrs.mainAttribute}" />
<c:set var="nested" value="#{cc.attrs.nestedAttribute}" />   

and then use it itemLabel="#{animal.main.nested}"

I hope you know what I want to achieve. Can you help me out a bit here?


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