I am trying to search string and highlight those string. But during search a find dialog box appear. How can I disable the find dialog box ? Here is my code -->
function doSearch(text) {
if (window.find && window.getSelection) {
document.designMode = "on";
var sel = window.getSelection();
sel.collapse(document.body, 0);
while (window.find(text)) {
document.execCommand("HiliteColor", false, "yellow");
document.designMode = "off";
} else if (document.body.createTextRange) {
var textRange = document.body.createTextRange();
while (textRange.findText(text)) {
textRange.execCommand("BackColor", false, "yellow");
Firefox has a bug wherein it will display the find dialog box with
if it has a blank argument:https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=672395
So if anyone is having this problem, you likely need to check the argument you're sending to