How would I be able to repeat the array multiple times using .netmf (VB or C#)?
Below you'll find the function I used to build a Byte(). All it does is get an 8 char string (Ex.10101000) and phases each char replacing a 1 with 252 and 0 with 128 and dumps it to an array of bytes. Ex.
Dim bytes() as array = {252,128,252,128,252,128,128,128}
^^^^ Would be the equivalent.^^^^
So say I use my function and I pass it a string of 10101011
Dim N as integer = 3
Dim Teststring as string = "10101011"
Dim testbyte() as byte = Allbytes2send(Teststring , N)
Testbyte() should now be filled with the phase string 3 times
For each b in Testbyte
Shared Function Allbytes2send(ByVal color As String) As Byte()
Dim bitcolor As String() = New String(color.Length - 1) {}
Dim b2sa As Byte() = New Byte(bitcolor.Length - 1) {}
For i As Integer = 0 To color.Length - 1
bitcolor(i) = color(i).ToString()
For i As Integer = 0 To bitcolor.Length - 1
Dim data As String = bitcolor(i)
Select Case data
Case "0"
bitcolor(i) = "128"
Case "1"
bitcolor(i) = "252"
End Select
For i As Integer = 0 To bitcolor.Length - 1
b2sa(i) = Byte.Parse(bitcolor(i))
Return b2sa
End Function
Figured it out I wrapped it in another function. By using Array.copy and reassigning my byte array I was able to dynamically change the size of array and copy using predetermine number multiplied by any given number.