Duplicate symbol _FOO in a.o and b.o - not the usual cause in C++

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First of all, thanks for all of the great info on this site. It's always my first port of call for programming problems. Unfortunately I couldn't find none of the solutions mentioned in other posts about similar problems seemed to work.

I have am used to coding very large simulations but recently got an error that I hadn't come across before. I've reduced the code down to a matter of lines - for the sake of debugging and am stil getting the problem. That is:

When I click build (Using QTcreator and C++), I get the following error:

":: error: duplicate symbol _GENERATOR in randoms.o and main.o"

":: error: collect2: ld returned 1 exit status"

Form reading other posts I know that this tends to be the result of #include-ing things twice but I have not done this.

Here is an example of some code that generates this error:

The code consists of randoms.h, randoms.cpp and main.cpp


#ifndef RANDOMS_H
#define RANDOMS_H

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>
#include <boost/random.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

const double price = 127.4;

boost::mt19937 GENERATOR(static_cast<unsigned> (std::time(0)));
int randIntRange(int low, int high);
double randDoubleRange(double low, double high);
void d_Range(std::vector<double> *range, double low, double high, double breaks);

#endif // RANDOMS_H



int randIntRange(int low, int high) {
    boost::uniform_int<> dist(low, high);
    boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::uniform_int<> > range(GENERATOR, dist);
    return range();

double randDoubleRange(double low, double high) {
    boost::uniform_real<> dist(low, high);
    boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::uniform_real<> > range(GENERATOR, dist);
    return range();

void d_Range(std::vector<double> *range, double low, double high, double breaks) {
    double interval;
    interval = double(high - low)/double(breaks);
    for (double i=low; i < high; i+=interval) {



int main() {

    double a = 156;
    double b = 14256;
    std::cout << a << " divided by " << b << " close to " << ((a/b)*randDoubleRange(0.9,1.1)) << std::endl;

    return 0;

Perhaps I'm just doing something really silly but I can't figure out why anything would be duplicated. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance


There are 2 answers

Michael Krelin - hacker On BEST ANSWER

You have this global

boost::mt19937 GENERATOR(static_cast<unsigned> (std::time(0)));

in the header file which is included in two files. That is, it is defined twice. You probably want to put the declaration in header

extern boost::mt19937 GENERATOR;

and the definition in one of the cpp files. just like you do with functions.

Johan Lundberg On

It's really just the case of defining the same variable twice and has nothing to do with boost. It's just like this:


int hello;


int hello;
int main (){return 1}

See the answer by Michael for how to deal with it.