DryIoC pass param to constructor of open generic service based on generic type parameter

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Let say that I have this service and two strategies for it:

public class SomeService<TEntity> : ISomeService<TEntity>
    public SomeService(ICurrentDbContext context, IStrategy<TEntity>? delete = null)
         : base(context, delete ?? new DefaultStrategy<TEntity>())

public class DefaultStrategy<TEntity> : IStrategy<TEntity> {}

public class CustomStrategy<TEntity> : IStrategy<TEntity> {}

My current registration of service looks like this:

container.Register(typeof(ISomeService<>), typeof(SomeService<>), Reuse.Transient);

What I want to achieve here is to pass CustomStrategy on resolution attempt of ISomeService if generic type parameter T implements some interface, let say for example IFoo. Otherwise, keep it as a parameter with the default value null.

Ofc the first param should be automatically resolved in both cases as a registered dependency.

Don't have any idea for now how to do that, should I use Interceptors for it?


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You may do it like this (but it is not clear from your question why you have two strategies DefaultStrategy<TEntity> and CustomStrategy<TEntity>).

using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace DryIoc.IssuesTests
    public class SO_DryIoC_pass_param_to_constructor_of_open_generic_service_based_on_generic_type_parameter
        public void Test()
            var container = new Container();

            container.Register(typeof(ISomeService<>), typeof(SomeService<>), Reuse.Transient,
                made: Parameters.Of.Details((req, p) => 
                    p.ParameterType.GetGenericDefinitionOrNull() == typeof(IStrategy<>) && 
                    p.ParameterType.GetGenericParamsAndArgs().Any(x => x.IsAssignableTo<IFoo>())
                    ? null                              // the default injection behavior 
                    : ServiceDetails.Of(value: null))   // otherwise return the `null` value

            container.Register<ICurrentDbContext, MyDbContext>();
            container.Register(typeof(IStrategy<>), typeof(DefaultStrategy<>));

            var s1 = container.Resolve<ISomeService<OtherEntity>>();

            var s2 = container.Resolve<ISomeService<FooEntity>>();

        public interface ISomeService<TEntity> {}
        public class SomeService<TEntity> : ISomeService<TEntity>
            public readonly IStrategy<TEntity> Delete;
            public SomeService(ICurrentDbContext context, IStrategy<TEntity> delete = null) => Delete = delete;

        public interface IFoo {}
        public class FooEntity : IFoo {}

        public class OtherEntity {}

        public interface IStrategy<TEntity> {}
        public class DefaultStrategy<TEntity> : IStrategy<TEntity> { }
        public class CustomStrategy<TEntity> : IStrategy<TEntity> { }

        public interface ICurrentDbContext {}
        public class MyDbContext : ICurrentDbContext {}