I have created a Main Menu with 4 main links. This is visible if i am logged in but only the ''Our Company'' is showing if i log out. Could anybody help me on this issue?
Drupal7: Some of the main Menu links not showing if not logged in
811 views Asked by attila.hajdo At
There are 2 answers

Try to use this module in your site. https://www.drupal.org/project/menu_per_role
you will get different roles inside the links when you can change it's visibility options as per your need.
Drupal 7 automatically hides menu items that the user does not have access to.
1. Ensure that the page you've added to the menu is published.
Edit the nodes missing from the menu, and at the bottom you should see Publishing Options where you can set the page as published.
2. Ensure that the Content Type you're using for the missing pages has Read Access for anon.
Go to www.example.com/admin/people/permissions/1 for all Anon permissions.
If neither option helps, please tell us if an anon user can access the pages directly, by URL.