I'm getting this error on DataBind(), and I don't know why since there shouldn't be anything selected.
DdState.DataSource = UsStates;
DdState.DataTextField = "Title";
DdState.DataValueField = "Title";
DdState.Items.Insert(0, String.Empty);
if (DdState.SelectedItem != null)
DdState.SelectedItem.Selected = false;
private IEnumerable<IStateItem> UsStates
var statesFolder = _sitecoreService.GetItem<ISitecoreItem>(ItemReference.BcsUs_ProductData_States.Guid);
if (statesFolder == null)
return new List<IStateItem>();
List<IStateItem> usStates = _sitecoreService.QueryChildren<IStateItem>(statesFolder).OrderBy(s => s.Title).ToList();
return usStates;
I tried putting in DdState.SelectedIndex = 0
before the DataBind(), but then I got an error that the selected index did not exist. What's going on?
Could there be something wrong with your
class? I copy/pasted your code in a new asp.net application, made my ownIStateItem
class and it works.