I'm working on a project and the general idea of my work is to do every part of it in a stand alone project, then add it when finished to the main project through libraries.
My problem is - one part I have done was to perform a painting on a panel. When I add a layer pane which connects it to the main project , there is no drawing actually happening.
Here is my project sample code:
In code sample 1 there is JLayeredPane which contains my panel to perform drawing.
In code sample 2 there is a button. Its actionPerformed is to add that JLayeredPane to a panel. But the problem is that the drawing is not appearing after adding the JLayeredPane.
Code sample 1:
public class GraphGui extends javax.swing.JFrame {
* Creates new form GraphGui
adjacencyMatrix m = new adjacencyMatrix();
Dfs df = new Dfs();
int[] x = new int[df.MAX_VERTS];
int[] y = new int[df.MAX_VERTS];
public Graphics2D d;
public Graphics2D doo;
int i = 0;
public GraphGui() {
//display is the panel that draw over
d = (Graphics2D) display.getGraphics();
doo = (Graphics2D) jPanel2.getGraphics();
//crating an initialization of components are done automatically
public void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
doo.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 19));
doo.drawString("visits: " + df.out, 5, 20);
df.out = "";
public void AddE1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
String j = start1.getText();
int k = Integer.parseInt(j) - 1;
String c = end1.getText();
int v = Integer.parseInt(c) - 1;
df.addEdge(k, v);
d.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 17));
d.drawLine(x[k] + 30, y[k] + 20, x[v], y[v] + 19);
public void AddV1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
String f = ver1.getText();
String toUpperCase = f.toUpperCase();
char r = toUpperCase.charAt(0);
int radius = 30;
int R = (int) (Math.random() * 256);
int G = (int) (Math.random() * 256);
int B = (int) (Math.random() * 256);
x[i] = R % 320;
y[i] = B % 167;
d.setColor(new Color(R, G, B));
d.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 15));
d.drawOval(x[i], y[i], radius, radius);
d.fillOval(x[i], y[i], radius, radius);
d.drawString(r + "", x[i] + 10, y[i] + 20);
d.drawOval(0, 0, radius, radius);
What code sample 1 is supposed to do is shown at this link:
Code Sample 2
private void graphBTActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
GraphGui gr=new GraphGui();
And at the link below is what I got after adding the panel- nothing draws.
There are 2 separate issues here.
(1) Simplest answer is - you need to call 'getGraphics' from within your action method. Not from the constructor. E.g.
(2) This would yield visible drawings, but they'll disappear whenever java decides to repaint - e.g. if you minimize the frame. This can be solved by paintComponent() as mentioned in the remarks. The basic idea is that your component (eg jPanel2) would hold a data structure of eveything it needs to paint - Strings, edges, vertexes etc. In paintComponent you draw them all. In actionPerformed() you change the datastructure and invoke 'repaint'. A sketch of this approach: