here's the code to draw a circle:
mov ebx,pointercolor ;pointer ARRAY, RGB color values (BGR)
push [ebx]
push [ebx+4]
push [ebx+8]
call glColor3f ;- API Function -
mov ebx,pointervertex ;pointer ARRAY, z y x vertex coordinat.
fld a
fmul pi
fdiv dz
fmul r
fst x_
mov eax,x_
mov [ebx],eax
fld a
fmul pi
fdiv dz
fmul r
fst y_
mov eax,y_
mov [ebx+4],eax
push [ebx]
push [ebx+4]
push [ebx+8]
call glVertex3f ;- API Function -
mov ebx,pointercolor
push [ebx+12]
push [ebx+16]
push [ebx+20]
call glColor3f ;- API Function -
mov ebx, pointervertex
add a,5
fld a
fmul pi
fdiv dz
fmul r
fst x__
mov eax,x__
mov [ebx+12],eax
fld a
fmul pi
fdiv dz
fmul r
fst y__
mov eax,y__
mov [ebx+16],eax
push [ebx+12]
push [ebx+16]
push [ebx+20]
call glVertex3f
;add r,1 ;- API Function -
; add pom1,1
;cmp pom1,5
;jne My_PaintArea
ret ;go out of here
The last 4 lines are commented out. Why does the program run an infinite loop (I assume)? pom1 is 0 at the start, so my idea is this should draw 5 circles of increasing radius (1,2,3,4,5).
EDIT: I should clarify, the program crashes when I leave the program without the comments, with the last 4 lines commented it draws a circle correctly (one circle).