I want to create a function that user can call multiple times, say drawLine(x,y), and these all lines should be displayed at once(no replacement). I am new to PyOpenGL (and OpenGL) and I'm not sure how to go about doing this. As of now, I know how to draw a fixed number of lines using something like this :
def main_loop(window):
while (
glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_ESCAPE) != glfw.PRESS and
not glfw.window_should_close(window)
Here, I can repeat the glBegin(GL_LINES) - glEnd() blocks multiple times to draw a fixed number of lines with fixed parameters. But how to do the variable line task?
In other words, I want to create a function, which upon being called with x and y coordinates, adds a line to the bunch of lines already being displayed on the screen. This function may be called multiple times according to user interaction. The only way I can think of adding lines is inserting glBegin-glEnd blocks in this main_loop function(shown in code above), but how to do that at runtime?
You have to redraw the entire scene in every frame. Hence you need a list where you store the points for the lines.
Create a function which can draw a
. The argument to the function is a list of vertices:Define an empty list for the verices:
Add a new point to the line by user interaction. For instnace when the mouse button is pressed:
Draw the line in the main application loop:
Minimal example: