func drawRadialGradient(context:CGContext , rect:CGRect , startColor:UIColor , endColor:UIColor){
let colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
let colorComponents = [startColor.cgColor,endColor.cgColor] as CFArray
let locations:[CGFloat] = [0.0,1.0]
if let gradient = CGGradient.init(colorsSpace: colorSpace, colors: colorComponents, locations: locations) {
context.drawRadialGradient(gradient, startCenter: CGPoint(x:rect.midX,y:0), startRadius: 0, endCenter: CGPoint(x:rect.midX,y:0), endRadius: rect.midX, options: .drawsBeforeStartLocation)
The above code has rect 0,0,width,totalViewheight/2.0. i.e the light orange color area. where totalViewheight=40.0
lightOrangeRect = CGRectMake(0,0,width,totalViewheight/2.0) i.e (0,0,414,20)
I want to draw a radial gradient touching points
1) 0,0 i.e (0,0)
2) lightOrangeRect/2.0, lightOrangeRect.height i.e (207,20)
3) lightOrangeRect, 0 i.e (414,0)
So, as to give the glossy effect of the arc at the top half area (light orange color area).
does not work here as it involves calculation for center, for a circle which passes through those points.
I found the following solution working for me. Draw the path, clip it and then we draw a linear gradient in it.
The code is as shown below.
The following results were achieved.