Hy, I'm a newbie in Android, and I've learned about android google maps. I'd like to tracking user movement and draw polyline path in android google maps in real time, can someone help me with the example? I can get the location chage interval but still don't know how to apply it into polyline and keep the data LatLng into array.
Draw a polyline in Android google maps as the user move
2.5k views Asked by Afif Mu'adz Abdul Muhaimin At
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You need to add this/related g.play services virsion line in your gradle in case you haven't.
As official doc says , use this code.
Note: Methods that modify a Polyline must be called on the main thread If not, an IllegalStateException will be thrown at run-time.
For a sake that i know you can find this code so here is my small logic
variables (startLatlng
= new Latlng data that you got when user move / after a time period;startLatlng
(use if condition with a boolian and change its value after it gets called )startLatlng
(see only after you call that draw method set the start value to end value)Note
If it's confusing use real values and try to understand what i explained. First time both are same. It darws a dot because both are in the same spot.(i guess) Now
both have the first same value.Second time new location comes
changes.Then it cannot go to that boolean if method because it's only for the first time.Now it call that method to draw line (new
and old endLatlng). Only after you call that draw method, yourendLatlng
gets that newstartLatlng
value.But the next time when your full logic gets called with a very new data again that very new data assigns to
.So in this way it can draw a line between the
(new Possition) toendLatlng