I have a and I want to overplot on it a
I define the line as a 3d line with constant height and I thought that with this method I have the possibility to overplot them one to another but, unfortunately, I failed. I realized in fact that the density map routine in gnuplot take the points of the line too.
This is my script:
#set terminal pngcairo size 800,500 enhanced font 'Verdana,14'
#set output "map.png"
set title 'Map'
fact1 = (m_star+m_1)**0.5
fact2 = (m_star+m_3)**0.5
set pm3d map interpolate 1,1
set xrange [50.22:52.27]
set yrange [30.29:31.17]
splot "file.txt" u (fact1)*(($1)**(-1.5)):(fact2)*(($2)**(-1.5)):6 notitle ,\
"line.txt" notitle
And here the two files: line and density map.
It is possible to overplot them, in gnuplot?
Thanks a lot for your help !
If you
set pm3d
, this style is used for all plots unless you explicitely specify a different plotting style. So you must usein order to plot
as line: