I've been trying to program a game in my class on Digital Media, and have run up to a huge roadblock concerning draggable items. I first managed to make one item that could be dragged with the mouse using this code (the movie clip is called 'honey'):
//set listeners
honey.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startHoneyDrag);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopHoneyDrag);
honey.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, dragHoney);
//offset between sprite location and click
var clickOffset:Point = null;
//user clicked
function startHoneyDrag(event:MouseEvent) {
clickOffset = new Point(event.localX, event.localY-7);
//user released
function stopHoneyDrag(event:MouseEvent) {
clickOffset = null
//run every frame
function dragHoney(event:Event) {
if (clickOffset != null) { // must be dragging
honey.x = mouseX - clickOffset.x;
honey.y = mouseY - clickOffset.y;
However,making more than one moveable movie clip has proven impossible so far. Using the same code multiple times creates an error due to conflicting parts of the code. When I asked one of the better programming students, he told me to create an array, which I did;
var honeyBall:Array = new Array();
honeyBall = ["honey, honey1, honey2"];
But now I don't know how to make a code that would refer to a movie clip refer to an array of them. Help would be seriously appreciated, as these problems have been giving me serious trouble.
This is array containing one string. You should get your instances of clips into array, something like this:
Then you drag it with
(will drag everything in array, be it one or several clips.)