dplyr programming: unexpected behavior of filter

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I am trying to use dplyr in the programming way: filter behavior with quoted variables are not understandable.

After several attempts to analyze the real data I had created a following dummy data.

dt <- data.frame(
  sex = rep(c("F","M"), 50),
  height = runif(100, 1, 1000),
  weight = rep(c(2, 100), 50),
  value = runif(100, 1, 1000 ),
  stringsAsFactors =  FALSE


wizard_fun_1 <-  function(param1){
  par1 <- enquo(param1)

dt %>% select(height, !!par1)


# as expected
#1    74.875344   F
#2   846.614856   M

wizard_fun_2 <-  function(param1){
  par1 <- enquo(param1)

  dt %>% select(height, !!par1)  %>%
    filter( (!!par1) == 'M')


#[1] height sex  
# ... zero rows....

What's going wrong? Thank's in advanced for any ideas!


There are 2 answers

MrFlick On

If you are using enquo, you should be calling your function without quotes. For example


will work just fine. The select function can take strings or symbols. That is both of these will work

select(dt, sex) # more common
select(dt, "sex")

But that's not the same for filter()


So be careful when jumping between strings and unquoted symbols/names. When you are using quote stings, you're not using non-standard evaluation at all really.

austensen On

In the function you are using enquo, but then when you call the function you pass the column name as a string rather than the bare name. You just need to use the bare column name when calling the function and it works as written.

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

dt <- tibble(
  sex = rep(c("F","M"), 50),
  height = runif(100, 1, 1000),
  weight = rep(c(2, 100), 50),
  value = runif(100, 1, 1000 )

wizard_fun_2 <-  function(param1){
  par1 <- enquo(param1)

  dt %>% select(height, !!par1)  %>%
    filter( (!!par1) == "M")


#> # A tibble: 50 x 2
#>      height   sex
#>       <dbl> <chr>
#>  1 871.7788     M
#>  2 467.9220     M
#>  3 272.6478     M
#>  4 445.1101     M
#>  5 682.2095     M
#>  6 831.8522     M
#>  7 727.9525     M
#>  8 203.7829     M
#>  9 742.3000     M
#> 10 322.0473     M
#> # ... with 40 more rows