Doxygen warning "does not have an associated number"

418 views Asked by At

I am using doxygen and bibtex to generate the reference list. It looks doxygen (or bibtex) don't support longer key.

For example, my bib file looks like

    title = {The {DSSAT} cropping system model},
    volume = {18},
    journaltitle = {European Journal of Agronomy},
    author = {A, F.},

    title = {The {DSSAT} cropping system model},
    volume = {18},
    journaltitle = {European Journal of Agronomy},
    author = {A, F.},

My text.cs file looks

namespace Test
    /// <summary>
    /// A test class
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This is test citation, see \cite mcmaster_phenology_ and 
    /// \cite mcmaster_phenology_1.
    /// </remarks>
    public class TestClass


The warning message is:

warning: \cite command to 'mcmaster_phenology_1' does not have an associated number

The final html is

This is test citation, see [1] and [mcmaster_phenology_1].

Seems the maximum length of key is 19 characters. It looks a bug for me. How should I fix it? Thank for any suggestions.


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