I have set up a basic project on Github: https://github.com/kounelios13/range-download. Essentially this project tries to download a file using HTTP Range requests, assemble it, and save it back to disk. I am trying to follow this article (apart from the goroutines for the time being). When I try to download the file using range requests the final size, after all requests data are combined, is bigger than the original size I would get have and the final file is corrupted.
Here is the code responsible for downloading the file
type Manager struct{
limit int
func NewManager(limit int) *Manager{
return &Manager{
limit: limit,
func (m *Manager) DownloadBody(url string ) ([]byte ,error){
// First we need to determine the filesize
body := make([]byte ,0)
response , err := http.Head(url) // We perform a Head request to get header information
if response.StatusCode != http.StatusOK{
return nil ,fmt.Errorf("received code %d",response.StatusCode)
if err != nil{
return nil , err
maxConnections := m.limit // Number of maximum concurrent co routines
bodySize , _ := strconv.Atoi(response.Header.Get("Content-Length"))
bufferSize :=(bodySize) / (maxConnections)
diff := bodySize % maxConnections
read := 0
for i:=0;i<maxConnections;i++{
min := bufferSize * i
max := bufferSize * (i+1)
if i==maxConnections-1{
max+=diff // Check to see if we have any leftover data to retrieve for the last request
req , _ := http.NewRequest("GET" , url, nil)
req.Header.Add("Range" ,fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d",min,max))
res , e := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if e != nil{
return body , e
log.Printf("Index:%d . Range:bytes=%d-%d",i,min,max)
data , e :=ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if e != nil{
return body,e
log.Println("Data for request: ",len(data))
read = read + len(data)
body = append(body, data...)
log.Println("File size:",bodySize , "Downloaded size:",len(body)," Actual read:",read)
return body, nil
Also I noticed that the bigger the limit I set the more the difference between the original file content length and the actual size of all request bodies combined is.
Here is my main.go
func main() {
imgUrl := "https://media.wired.com/photos/5a593a7ff11e325008172bc2/16:9/w_2400,h_1350,c_limit/pulsar-831502910.jpg"
maxConnections := 4
manager := lib.NewManager(maxConnections)
data , e:= manager.DownloadBody(imgUrl)
if e!= nil{
ioutil.WriteFile("foo.jpg" , data,0777)
Note: for the time being I am not interested in making the code concurrent.
Any ideas what I could be missing?
Note: I have confirmed that server returns a 206 partial content using the curl command below:
curl -I https://media.wired.com/photos/5a593a7ff11e325008172bc2/16:9/w_2400,h_1350,c_limit/pulsar-831502910.jpg
Thanks to @mh-cbon I managed to write a simple test that helped me find the solution . Here is the fixed code
The problem was that I didn't have a correct min value to begin with . So lets say I have the following ranges to download :
My code would download bytes from
and then again from100-200
instead of101-200
So I made sure on every iteration (except the first one) to increment the min by 1 so as not to overlap with the previous range
Here is a simple test I managed to fix from the docs provided as comments:
Sure there are more tests to be written but it is a good start