I need to use a youtube player component in a rich media banner I'm making. I can't find any chrome less version of the one from youtube?
I know there is one but how can i access it?
I need to use a youtube player component in a rich media banner I'm making. I can't find any chrome less version of the one from youtube?
I know there is one but how can i access it?
Yes, there is a chromeless version available.
It's accessable through the YTPlayer Proxy Component, which can be downloaded here: http://www.google.com/doubleclick/studio/docs/innovation/ytplayer/en/index.html
Then you have to set the playerType parameter like this:
The full documentation (hard to find) for using the youtube player in doubleclick can be find here: http://motifcdn2.doubleclick.net/EMEA/ad-in-a-box/YTP/DCRM_YouTube_Player_Component_EN.pdf