dotNetRDF Http Error when querying DBPedia

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I am new to dotNetRDF and SPARQL and I'm trying to retrieve some person data from DBPedia. I have wrote this query and tested it successfully on the online editor at :

The problem is that when I try to launch the query using the code below, I get an HTTP Exception 400, Invalid Request:

SparqlRemoteEndpoint endpoint = new SparqlRemoteEndpoint(new Uri(""));

        //Make a SELECT query against the Endpoint
        SparqlResultSet results = endpoint.QueryWithResultSet(@" 
PREFIX rdfs: <>\n
PREFIX type: <>\n
PREFIX prop: <>\n
select DISTINCT ?person ?name ?birth ?shortDescription where {\n
?person a dbpedia-owl:Person ;\n
      foaf:name ?name ;\n
      dbpedia-owl:birthDate ?birth ;\n
      dbpprop:shortDescription ?shortDescription .\n
filter langMatches(lang(?name),'en') .\n
filter langMatches(lang(?shortDescription),'en') \n
LIMIT 10");
        foreach (SparqlResult result in results)

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance ;)


There are 2 answers


For the XML version error you can instruct dotNetRDF to request results in a non-XML format e.g.

endpoint.ResultsAcceptHeader = "application/sparql-results+json";

Would ask for JSON instead of XML which will avoid the XML version issue.

As the documentation for that property says:

Can be used to workaround buggy endpoints which don't like the broad Accept Header that dotNetRDF sends by default

Jörn Hees On

This mainly seems to be an issue with not using the c# verbatim string literal correctly. By using @"... you instruct c# to not interpret escape sequences like \n but take them verbatim. At the same time this also allows you to write multi-line strings which already contain an implicit \n.

So you should either remove the @ or the \n in your query string.

Also i'd recommend to always put () around filter clauses and not end them with a .:

SparqlResultSet results = endpoint.QueryWithResultSet(@" 
    PREFIX rdfs: <>
    PREFIX type: <>
    PREFIX prop: <>

    select DISTINCT ?person ?name ?birth ?shortDescription where {
          ?person a dbpedia-owl:Person ;
              foaf:name ?name ;
              dbpedia-owl:birthDate ?birth ;
              dbpprop:shortDescription ?shortDescription .
    LIMIT 10");