I understand how to access an object's modification date using the Last Modified On
attribute. Is there any hidden / undocumented way to access the modification time with DOORS 9.5? In my case, I want to identify changes since a certain daytime, thus the date is not precise enough.
According to this post at the IBM forum, the attribute was supposed to return date and time. However, the output of this statement:
Date lastModified = obj."Last Modified On"
print "dateAndTime = " (dateAndTime(lastModified)) "\tlastModified = " lastModified "\tdateOnly = " dateOnly(lastModified) "\n"
is in my case
dateAndTime = 08/04/14 00:00:00 lastModified = 04 August 2014 dateOnly = 04 August 2014
and I guess that this means that the change time was not provided (correctly).
Section "History" of the DXL manual describes the function
Date lastModifiedTime({Module|Object|Link})
which provides the desired time.