Dojo grid display Error while using Row Select function with QueryreadStore

918 views Asked by At

I have problem with dojo grid when i use gridx/modules/select/Row module, grid is not displayed. It gives Type Error: node is null. My layout structure is here:

<script type="text/javascript">   
    var itemGridStore = new{url:'invoiceConsignSearchStore'});
     console.debug('store ::'+itemGridStore);
     var layout=[ 
                      {id:"consId", field:"Consignment_Id", name:"Consignment Id", width:"23%"},
                      {id:"poDate", field:"Date", name:"Date", width:"30%"},
                      {id:"poNo", field:"PoSo_No", name:"Purchase Order No", width:"25%"},
                      {id:"refId", field:"Reference_Id", name:"Reference Id", width:"25%"},
                      {id:"customerName", field:"customerName", name:"Name/Company", width:"25%"},
                      {id:"location", field:"location", name:"Location", width:"25%"},
                      {id:"dealId", field:"Deal_Id", name:"Deal Id", width:"25%"}
             var itemListgrid = new gridx.Grid({
                 cacheClass: gridx.core.model.cache.Async,
                 store: itemGridStore,
                 structure: layout,                
                 modules: [                        
                           "gridx/modules/VirtualVScroller", "gridx/modules/SingleSort", "gridx/modules/CellWidget", "gridx/modules/Edit",
                           "gridx/modules/Filter",  "gridx/modules/filter/FilterBar","gridx/modules/RowHeader","gridx/modules/select/Row", "gridx/modules/select/Cell"
                 vScrollerBuffSize: 30  ,
                 selectRowTriggerOnCell: true,
                 editLazySave: true
             }, 'gridNode'); //Assume we have a node with id 'gridNode'

                console.debug('rowsSel ::'+rowsSel);

<body class="tundra">
    <!-- We'd like to show a grid here -->
    <div align="center" id="gridNode"></div>

But without gridx/modules/select/Row this module it works fine. Can any one suggest the answer.


There are 1 answers

Plamen Gurov On

The select module requires Mark model extension, so your grid should look like:

var itemListgrid = new gridx.Grid({
    cacheClass: gridx.core.model.cache.Async,
    store: itemGridStore,
    structure: layout,
    modelExtensions: [
    modules: [                        
    vScrollerBuffSize: 30,
    selectRowTriggerOnCell: true,
    editLazySave: true
}, 'gridNode');

For modules compatibility take a look at this link: