Does U-SQL support extracting files based on date of creation in ADLS

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We know U-SQL supports directory and filename pattern matching while extracting the files. What I wanted to know does it support pattern matching based on date of creation of the file in ADLS (without implementing custom extractors).

Say a folder contains files created across months (filenames don't have date as part of the filename), is there a way to pull only files of a particular month.


There are 4 answers

saveenr On

The U-SQL EXTRACT operator is not aware of any metadata (such as create date) about a file - only the filename.

Michael Rys On

Currently there is no way to access or use file meta data properties. Please add your vote and use case to the following feedback item:

David Paul Giroux On

You could probably build a solution using the .NET SDK. For something rather simple you could use PowerShell to create a file which will contain all the files that meet your date time criteria. Then consume the content as desired.

# Log in to your Azure account

# Modify variables as required
$DataLakeStoreAccount = "<yourDataLakeStoreAccountNameHere>";
$DataLakeAnalyticsAccount = <yourDataLakeAnalyticsAccountNameHere>";
$DataLakeStorePath = "/Samples/Data/AmbulanceData/";  #modify as desired
$outputFile = "Samples/Outputs/ReferenceGuide/filteredFiles.csv";  #modify as desired
$filterDate = "2016-11-22";
$jobName = "GetFiles";

# Query directory and build main body of script.  Note, there is a csv filter.
 [string]$body = 
 "@initial = 
 " +  
(Get-AzureRmDataLakeStoreChildItem -Account $DataLakeStoreAccount -Path $DataLakeStorePath | 
Where {$_.Name -like "*.csv" -and $_.Type -eq "FILE"} | foreach {
 "(""" + $DataLakeStorePath + $_.Name + """, (DateTime)FILE.CREATED(""" + $DataLakeStorePath + $_.Name + """)), `r`n" });

 # formattig, add column names
$body = 
$body.Substring(0,$body.Length-4) + " 
    ) AS T(fileName, createDate);";   

# U-SQL query and OUTPUT statement
[string]$output = 

// filter results based on desired time frame
@filtered = 
    SELECT fileName
    FROM @initial
    WHERE createDate.ToString(""yyyy-MM-dd"") == ""$filterDate"";

OUTPUT @filtered
TO ""$outputFile""
USING Outputters.Csv();";

# bring it all together
$script = $body +  $output;

#Execute job
$jobInfo = Submit-AzureRmDataLakeAnalyticsJob -Account $DataLakeAnalyticsAccount -Name $jobName  -Script $script -DegreeOfParallelism 1

#check job progress
Get-AzureRmDataLakeAnalyticsJob -Account $DataLakeAnalyticsAccount -JobId $jobInfo.JobId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; 

Write-Host "You now have a list of desired files to check @ " $outputFile
saul On

it's been a while since this question was asked, and I'm not sure if this is what you were looking for originally, but now you can use the FILE.MODIFIED U-SQL function:

DECLARE @watermark string = "2018-08-16T18:12:03";
SET @@FeaturePreviews="InputFileGrouping:on";

DECLARE @file_set_path string = "adl://";

@input =
    EXTRACT [columnA] int?,
            [columnB] string
    FROM @file_set_path
    USING Extractors.Tsv(skipFirstNRows : 1, silent : true);

@result =
    SELECT *, FILE.MODIFIED(@file_set_path) AS FileModifiedDate
    FROM @input
    WHERE FILE.MODIFIED(@file_set_path) > DateTime.ParseExact(@watermark, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", NULL);

OUTPUT @result TO "adl://" USING Outputters.Tsv(outputHeader:true);

The U-SQL built-in function is documented here: