I 'd like to know if Unity's Cloth Component uses GPU for calculations?
The Unity Docs does not provide any information about how cloths are managed behind the different physics libraries.
I 'd like to know if Unity's Cloth Component uses GPU for calculations?
The Unity Docs does not provide any information about how cloths are managed behind the different physics libraries.
From: docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PhysicsSection.html
And From Nvidia docs: Cloth — NVIDIA PhysX SDK Documentation
Unfortunately I did not find more information about the implementation of the Nvidia PhysX bundled in Unity.
So I will assume (for 3D objects) if you have an Nvidia card it will use the GPU to calculate cloths and if you have an AMD card it will be done on the CPU.
But I could be wrong because Compute Shader are programs that run on the graphics card.
Source: docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-ComputeShader.html