how to make semantic ui framework "right-to-left" supported ? is there anyway to make it rtl support in installing steps or not ?
does semantic ui framework support rtl languages?
2.8k views Asked by mre7_a AtThere are 3 answers
Or if you where not installing it by npm and gulp, you may get the rtl versions from RTLCSS website. They also provide a cdn, or you can download the css and js file and use them in your sources.
You can enable RTL support under the following scenarios:
1. Fresh Installation
go to the document root of your project and install semantic-ui through npm
npm install semantic-ui --save
modify semantic.json file in document root to enable right to left support as following:
"rtl": true
in your terminal change directory to semantic directory
cd semantic/
run the following gulp task to build all files and save it to destination folder
gulp build
gulp will auto-detect the RTL support and build the RTL version of css files and save them in dist folder, now a very important final step is to reference the RTL version of semantic-ui css file in your index.html or web page as following:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="semantic/dist/semantic.rtl.css">
2. Existing Installation
in your terminal change directory to semantic directory
cd semantic/
Clean the destination folder using the gulp task provided by semantic-ui framework
gulp clean
modify semantic.json file in document root to enable right to left support as following:
"rtl": true
run the following gulp task to build all files and save it to destination folder
gulp build
gulp will auto-detect the RTL support and build the RTL version of css files and save them in dist folder.
Now you need to replace the reference in your html page from
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="semantic/dist/semantic.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="semantic/dist/semantic.rtl.css">
first: navigate to your project root and then fire: npm install semantic-ui --save and wait for all done.
second: edit semantic.json file (located in project root) and change "rtl": false to "rtl": true
third: navigate to semantic dir(cd semantic) and fire: gulp build and then gulp watch.