Does R support indirect variable expansion or variable substitution?

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In bash one can use an exclamation mark to use a variable's value as a variable. See explanation here. This is known as variable indirect expansion. This can be used to used to name a new variable using another variable in your code. I was wondering if this could be done in R lang.

For example, lets say I want to create a data frame of employees located at each of a companies' buildings.


   employee building
1    345618 Pi
2    195871 E
3    247274 Pi
4    929771 Pi
5    873096 E
6    665857 E
7    791656 E
8    133673 E
9    574058 C
10   208041 C
11   402100 C
12   167792 C
13   156971 C

And let "♠building" be the variable I want to indirectly expand. So I want to use the building name as a new variable of that building's name. I am using a ♠ character here because using ! (as it is used infront of a variable in bash) was causing some confusion.

completed_list <- c("") #Clear out vector
for(building in talent_by_building$building){

  if(!(building %in% completed_list)){
    ♠building<-talent_by_building[talent_by_building$building %in% building,]

If this was possible in R, the expected output would be the creation of three new data frames named for each of the buildings the for loop found. Pi,E,and C:


   employee building
1    345618 Pi
2    247274 Pi
3    929771 Pi


   employee building
1    195871 E
2    873096 E
3    665857 E
4    791656 E
5    133673 E


   employee building
1   574058 C
2   208041 C
3   402100 C
4   167792 C
5   156971 C

Is there a way to use the building name as the name of the new value? So in place of ♠building the value of the variable would be substituted as the variable name. I can do this in bash and was wondering if this was possible in R.


There are 2 answers


tl;dr no, there is no short-hand syntax for variable substitution. Slightly longer answer: it's pretty easy to get your desired output. If you're going to be working with R for more than a very short time, it's probably worth learning some R idioms, though.

Construct example data:

talent_by_building <-  read.table(header=TRUE,text=
"employee building
345618 Pi
195871 E
247274 Pi
929771 Pi
873096 E
665857 E
791656 E
133673 E
574058 C
208041 C
402100 C
167792 C
156971 C")

First split the data by building:

ss <- split(talent_by_building,talent_by_building$building)

The idiomatic R way to deal with these data would be to leave them inside the list rather than creating new variables to clutter up the global workspace. But if you want to:

for (i in names(ss)) {

A more direct translation of your code:


If you want to do something other than assignment you can use eval(), substitute(), and/or parse, but it's usually more trouble than it's worth.

Olivier7121 On

The functions 1) expression, quote and bquote and 2) eval might be what you are looking for (some kind of indirection if I correctly understood).