Does PowerShell has something like "echo off" and "echo on" trigger?

102.5k views Asked by At

cmd/batch file could turn on and turn off "echo". So in PowerShell, I have a bunch of "write-host" output, I want somewhere to turn on / off write-host for debugging convenience.

Does PowerShell has such a function?


There are 3 answers

vonPryz On

The Set-PSDebug cmdlet has -Trace <int> parameter that can be used to same effect as echo on.

Vesper On

You should use Write-Verbose instead of Write-Host, this will make your debugging data controlled by the variable $VerbosePreference. This variable has the same value set as $ErrorActionPreference, and the default is SilentlyContinue, which means that no verbose output is generated. You can set this to Continue and then have your verbose output visible.

Hardryv On

I recommend you simply put

| Out-Null

at the end of any line where privacy matters... it's more or less the same as putting...


... at the beginning of any 'batch' line where you want output hidden from users.