Does OpenCV for Mac use the Accelerate framework?

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The Accelerate framework is a Mac-specific framework that provides things like image convolutions and LAPACK, supposedly optimized to be as fast as possible on Macs. My question: Does OpenCV take advantage of this? Specifically, does the function "filter2D" use Accelerate?


There are 3 answers

Martin Beckett On

Not a mac expert but AFAIK openCV uses IPP (if installed) TBB (build option) and NVidia-CUDA (build option)

macarthy On

It does not use the Accelerate framework, but it looks like it has been speeded up using the CUDA stuff in 2.2

The relevant files in OpenCV2.2 ...

/modules/gpu/include/opencv2/gpu/gpu.hpp /modules/gpu/src/filtering.cpp



for the non-gpu stuff

meduz On

If you use the MacPorts version, you can specify the options

$ port variants opencv
opencv has the variants:
   debug: Enable debug binaries
   python26: Add Python 2.6 bindings
     * conflicts with python27
   python27: Add Python 2.7 bindings
     * conflicts with python26
   tbb: Use Intel TBB
   universal: Build for multiple architectures

I have used

sudo port install py26-numpy
sudo port install opencv +python26 +tbb

with success. Concerning the Accelerate.framework specifically, this blog entry says "# Add Accelerate.framework which is used internally from OpenCV library.", but I have no clue as to know if it is the case here.