I will need to write an app to run statistical analysis on a DataGrid. Pp and Ppk is easy to do with standard deviation calculation in C#. But Some number such as estimated deviation (rBar/d2) used for Cp and Cpk - that is too complex (for me ) to code. Are there existing libraries, commercial or open source, that I can implement?
Does .NET 4 support any 6-Sigma calculation?
3.6k views Asked by KMC At
There are 3 answers

You might wanna check out Sho, it's a tool for doing stuff with data and it provides a lot of math libraries.

I have used MathNet.Numerics for these type calculations.
Example for cp and cpk:
public class ProcessPerformance
public static ProcessPerformanceResult Calculate(double[] data,double lsl,double usl,double sigma =3.0,double cpSigma=6.0)
if(data.Count() ppkLsl ? ppkLsl : ppkUsl;
var cP = (usl - lsl) / (descriptiveStatistics.StandardDeviation * cpSigma);
var median = MathNet.Numerics.Statistics.Statistics.Median(data);
return new ProcessPerformanceResult(){Cp=cP,Cpk=cPk,Median= median, DescriptiveStatistics=descriptiveStatistics};
public class ProcessPerformanceResult
public double Cpk { get; set; }
public double Cp {get;set;}
public double Median {get;set;}
public MathNet.Numerics.Statistics.DescriptiveStatistics DescriptiveStatistics {get;set;}
Extreme Optimization might be something you are looking for.
How about SPC Chart?