Does MS Word have an equivalent of Range.GetSpellingSuggestions for grammar?

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In Microsoft Word 2013 VBA, you can call GetSpellingSuggestions on a Range that includes a spelling error to get a collection of (a) what the spelling error is and (b) what the proposed suggestions are. Is there anything equivalent for grammatical errors? I called GetSpellingSuggestions on a Range with only a grammatical error and got back wdSpellingCorrect with no suggestions.

This post from 2004 says Word doesn't provide that information to VBA, but I'm wondering if Microsoft has added one since then. I've looked on MSDN and SO and haven't found an answer. CheckGrammar won't work for me since I'm rolling my own UI for the checker. Thanks!


There are 1 answers


Well, looks like the answer is no :/ . Posting this to get the question off the Unanswered lists. If you happen across this and have some information, please post another answer! Thanks!