I'm pretty sure that I can just use the Erlang style guide, but if Elixir has evolved to the point of something like PEP8, I would like to enforce it* as soon as possible.

If it's just a matter of opinion, I guess I'll just blend the Erlang style guide into the community style guide I found.

Much of the following community coding standard "The Elixir Style Guide" looks like it was borrowed from Ruby style guides:

The Elixir Style Guide

People are aware of style as a concern, generally, but I suspect that many of these Elixir pioneers are seasoned programmers.

Is there an authoritative style guide, like PEP8 for Python, published for Elixir-lang?

To rephrase, PEP8 is an authoritative guide published on python.org, as follows: python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008. The Elixir Style Guide, however, is a community effort, though a very nice one. might require me to look for, or develop, more on metaprogramming and macro definition.

Similarly, Erlang has its programming rules: http://www.erlang.se/doc/programming_rules.shtml

Does Elixir have an authoritative, author sanctioned style guide, y/N?

*pre-receive hoox enabled by mean, mean wadies


There are 1 answers


Is there an authoritative style guide, like PEP8 for Python, published for Elixir-lang?

No, there is not.