i observed that when using the StaticRDFSReasoner or just the RDFSReasoner and if i have a Schema like this(TURTLE Notation):
ex:A a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf ex:B, ex:C .
And data like this with an Instance 'a' of class A:
ex:a a ex:A .
Then i only get one inferred Triple :
ex:a a ex:B .
But since A is supposed to be the approximation of Intersection of class B and class C i should also get the following Triple inferred :
ex:a a ex:C .
because 'a' should be a member of both Class B AND Class C.
I looked at the implementation of the Reasoner here,but still couldn't figure it out why it doesn't work:
Maybe someone here can help me why this isn't working. If i switch order of B and C it gets inferred, that 'a' is a member of Class C.